Coach – Access Agility.

“In 2007 more than 500,000 rollators were sold in Germany, the sales have grown exponentially since its introduction.”  

The first time purchasing of a rollator cost quite an effort. It is hard to accept help, because his self-confidence  suffers from realizing that he loses his independence. The existing requirements we researched e.g. in interviews with various medical suppliers. Our design perception is to transfer our passion into something that generates an emotion; in this case to turn a rollator into a precious companion. We have set ourselves the task  to create a rollator, that looks more like a partner, so the consumers are proud to show their new personal Coach. Our draft is called “coach, access agility”.

With its intelligent control it achieves to keep mobile and communicative in the environment. In the slope it slows himself and in the incline it is driven to relieve the user. This is achieved through an intelligently controlled electric motor, which also serves as an electromagnetic brake. The only operation by the user is restricted to tip the levers for the parking brakes. The seat is solid and made part of the framework, which is perceived as more comfortable and safer. The handles are ergonomically designed with a quick release to adjust the height and have a pressure-distributing area of TPE. With a gesture “coach” can be narrowed to the width of an A5 paper by retaining its stand. Using hydroformed parts, aluminum extrusions and composite plastics, achieves high stability, ease and design quality.

Justierbarer Rollator

Zusammenfaltbar auf Knopfdruck

Elektromotor als Antrieb und Elektromagnetische Bremse

Integrierte Einkaufstasche

A bag made of quality materials becomes an accessory. By the long strap and a light guide, it is easy to load up and remove. The important design element of the rollator is the hydroformed frame. All parts are connected to it. The volume shows stability, the light edge shows dynamic and lightness.



Do want to know more about our services?

Design inspires us. We love to be creative and free, to develop concepts and explore new paths, to find surprising solutions and to bring exciting products to market together with our partners. At the same time we feel comfortable with ambitious design tasks, technical restrictions, binding briefings and finite budgets. We understand design as “part of the game”.